Opinie klientów o Włoski Niezbędnik - Comfort

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Program wycieczki
Opinie pochodzą od naszych Klientów, którzy odwiedzili dany hotel lub uczestniczyli w wycieczce objazdowej.

Osoba dodająca opinię musi podać dane osobowe, takie jak imię i nazwisko oraz dane dotyczące wyjazdu, czyli datę i kierunek wyjazdu lub numer rezerwacji. Dzięki tym informacjom sprawdzamy, czy autor opinii faktycznie podróżował z nami. Jeżeli dane się nie zgadzają, wówczas nie publikujemy opinii.
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Beata 16.05.2015

Mogło być lepiej , gdyby hotele były położone bliżej miast które zwiedzaliśmy.

Ogólnie wycieczka była miła , lecz program napięty , mało czasu na zwiedzanie.


Barb, Mexico 23.07.2015

Had fun but was disappointed on the tour guides

I honestly did not like the local tour guide in the Vatican, she denigated the people that went on tour with her. At the Sixtine chapple she spoke in italian to one of the guards at the Vatican in a way that it was offensive to the group and whole Polish population leaving a bad image of the Polish people. Instead of focusing on what the guard was trying to do, she should have defended the rights and dignity of the people she was guiding. We as customers paid the entrace to the Sixtine chapel and had every right to be there the guard did not have any evidence of the group doing something wrong. Being a forgeinger not only to Italy but also Poland I was ashamed of the way the tour guide at the Vactican behaved and was sorry for the image left of the Polsih people. I would recommend that the main tour guide and the local tour guides to take more care in the service provided to the people on the tour in the way that the Polish people at least receive the diginity and respect they deserve since they are international tourists visiting a place where they may not know the language or the culture. Also some of the tour guides like in Venice and the Vactican, it looked like they did not want to guide the group, since they were running from one place to another and did not let the people look at what they were explaing they also skipped main treasures of each city eventhough they had them in front of them. In Venice the tour guide took us on some roads that were not interesing at all since there wasn't any architectural building or bridge with historic value. Some of the explanations on how to move from one place to another in Venice and Rome from the main tour guide were messed up leaving people to guess what she meant with the potential danger for losing someone. Another thing that I did not like was also the travel in Rome's metro, we had to return from the tour at the most difficult time since it was time where all the people returned from work, a child was almost lost in this travel, this could be avoided if the main tour guide chose a different hour to return. (In any country 6pm is the worst time to get on the metro) Also the tour gudies should help the people that have difficulties with the language not leave them to fend for themselves in a place where they could be lost or be attaked by the local people for not knowing their language. The hotel in Udine had mold on the walls, the towles were dirty and the air con was not working. At least we as customers should expect a clean room with all the facilities working since it was en executive hotel. The breakfast should be better organized, there were some tables that had missing bread and the amount of cheese and ham was not enough for the amount of people in the group/table. The tours on the cities should have more toilett and lunch breaks 30 min is not enough to have a meal. In average a restaurant takes 30 min to seat you and take your order and to finish your meal you need another 30 min. Also the tour giudes should give some time to take fotos of each site they are visitng in order to just go in one way on the tour saving time and giving the chance to the tourist to have a nice memory.


Renata, Lipie Góry 05.08.2024
Termin pobytu: lipiec 2024


Jedzenie tragiczne. Mało i niesmacznie. Hotele porażka. A zwiedzanie zabytków jak na wyścigach. Nawet spokojnie nie można było zdjęcia zrobić.


daniel 10.06.2014



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