Opinie klientów o Three Corners Equinox Beach Resort

5.2 /6
Atrakcje dla dzieci
Obsługa hotelowa
Położenie i okolica
Sport i rozrywka
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Przemysław, Istebna 12.10.2021

Lekkie rozczarowanie

Hotel bardzo przeciętny, drugi raz nie wybrałbym go na swój pobyt. Broni się tylko smacznym jedzeniem.


Jakub 08.10.2019

It didn't start well. We got a room in one of the side buildings (white ones), which unfortunately had terrible rooms, was old, smelly and dirty. Nothing like the pictures from the hotel offer. Fortunately, after a short and pleasant conversation with the assistant hotel manager, the room was changed to one of the rooms in the main building which was much better. When it comes to service it is amazing how much it can vary in one hotel. On the one hand you can meet really nice waiters and on the other complete as***les. This is mainly due to the fact that young people are completely not respected in this hotel. The service is great to old Germans while young people are completely ignored and mistreated. Maybe because they do not tip? I assure you that they would tip far more than older people if they were treated well. In the dolce vita restaurant, the service ignored us because they were absorbed in servicing older Germans, it completely spoiled our first good impression of the evening and good food as well as the desire to leave a good tip. Mr. Salma from the restaurant, for example, we saw how he behaved brilliantly to older people, but maybe because of hormones, I have no idea, he drove us crazy with his behavior towards us. Other young people with whom we spoke had the same feelings. Another example of this is bars if you can call them that. Complete disregard of young people by bartenders and their rudeness. Drinks just awful. Only one bartender in the main bar turned out to be nice. I do not understand it completely, we have always tried to be super nice for service and in return in more than half of the cases we received harsh responses from the service, which, after all, we paid. The hotel itself is pretty nice, plus: very few children. Room service also very nice and cleans the rooms well everyday. Food is ok. Nice beach on which the principle that nobody will be touting you when you hang a red flag is not always respected. The reef is nice both from the beach and from the pier. In the evenings because you can't swim in the pools after sunset, and the bars are tragic, there is not much for young people to do (the animations are rather poor). That would be enough, I've never had such a bad comment about a hotel before. I do not recommend and especially do not greet Mr. Salma from the service of the main restaurant ;)


Marek 09.11.2021

Three Corners Equinox Beach Resort

Najgorszy hotel jaki byłem dotąd a bywam bardzo często. Wybrałem ten hotel ze względu na polecenie mi tego hotelu w biurze podróży, gdzie sugerowano mi 5*. Opinie nt hotelu na stronach internetowych też były bardzo obiecujące. Niestety po przylocie okazało się, że już tak kolorowo nie jest. Polecieliśmy na wakacje grupą 10 osobową i już w trakcie zameldowanie rozrzucono nas po całym obiekcie. Hotel jest siedliskiem komarów, placem budowy, gdzie przy użycie młotów udarowych burzono są ściany. Hotel bardzo stary. Jak się okazało w trakcie pobytu opinie pochodzące w głównej mierze od pracowników, animatorów. Wymuszanie na gościach wystawienie opinii tu i teraz. Jeżeli już jakiś gość miał problem z językiem angielskim, animatorzy w imieniu gościa brali jego telefon i wypisywali opinie. W trakcie pobytu byłem nakłaniany kilkanaście razy. Bardzo nie fair podejście. Znam standardy również hoteli w Egipcie, ale czegoś takiego się nie spodziewałem.


Andrzej 25.12.2023
Termin pobytu: lipiec 2023

1 i ostatni raz

hotel do remontu poprawek jedzenie w miarę, pokoje wymagają poprawek na pasażu nachali sklepikarze ...

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